Conference Program

Conference Program

Day 1: September 9th  

9.30 - 10.00 OPENING SESSION
10.00-12.30 Biomechanical
Engineering (10)
Robotics 1 (10)
12.30-13.30 LUNCH          
13.30-16.00 History (9) Robotics 2 (10)
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break           
16.30-18.30 Mechanisms Design (8) Sustainable systems (6) +
Gearing and transmission (4)


Day 2: September 10th  

9.30-11.30 IFToMM Italy /
IFToMM Japan (8)
Tribology (8)
11.30 - 12.30 IFToMM Italy - General Assembly
12.30-13.30 LUNCH
13.30-16.00 Vehicle Dynamics
and Control (10)
Robotics 3 (10)
16.00-16.30 Coffee Break
16.30-17.30 Mechatronics (4) Vibrations (3)
17.30-18.15 Plenary Final Session & Awards Ceremony


Published on  September 7th, 2020